A Coffee Bar Of My Very Own

January 20, 2011 § Leave a comment

Hello and good afternoon and thank goodness it’s Thursday. My apologies for the lack of posting- I seem to be on a mental vacation (as well as a blogging vacation) since my return form Australia. This departure from reality has been teamed with the dream of building a coffee bar in my dining room. I am talking about a space devoted to the consumption and love of liquid caffeine. I’d like to start with a table or cart…

And add a fancy new brewing machine of some variety…

And complete the look with colorful mugs, cups, and accessories…

A girl can dream, can’t she?!

Aside from this necessary coffee bar project, I am back to the usual comings and goings of daily life. You can take this post as an indication that I am also writing again. It’s cold and snowy in Minnesota, and I’m completely over it. But while the weather is below zero life is good. I found myself driving to work this week thinking that everything was just right and the stuff  that has been giving me doubts would work itself out. It was a liberating feeling that I hope carries through to the content of my posts as well as the coming spring season.

I’ve been sending out a lot of notes and cards via U.S. post lately which is a nice change of pace from email. I got these notes for Christmas from my sister, which I find so charming. I’ve got guests coming for Thursday night dinner today and I’ll be making this dish, which I would hesitate to call stir-fry but should be delicious regardless of the name. And yeah… that pretty much brings us up to date.

Cheers for Thursday and future Abby’s Road postings!

PS- These Pantone paint chip cookies are fantastic!!

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