One Ticket Please!

July 7, 2011 § Leave a comment

Do you ever go to movies alone?

I once viewed the idea as sad and lonely, but not any more. A few years ago I found myself seeking an American experience while I was studying abroad and a cool, empty theater showing an overrated American blockbuster on a Wednesday afternoon was the answer. Forget sad and lonely, it was actually very nice. The truth is, unless you talk through movies (and I don’t) seeing a motion picture is very much a solitary event. It’s nice to have a companion to discuss the film with afterwards but not a deal breaker for me. Plus I appreciate a little alone time when life gets hectic.

If you’ve never seen a movie by yourself, I suggest you give it a try. Select a movie your too cool to admit to anyone you’d like to see, or one that your partner or friends don’t have an interest in. It makes the experience more self indulgent and fun. When I go I like to get a big bucket of popcorn and eat it as a meal rather than a snack. I like to sit  in the middle of the row, near the front, and I like to put my feet up on chair in front of me.

Plus, it’s been really warm lately. If the July heat is getting to you, go to the theater, take in a show, and enjoy the air conditioning. Oh, and then let me know what you think!

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