The Mad Men Wavelength

January 6, 2010 § Leave a comment

Do you ever find yourself on the exact same wavelength (ignore the psychedelic wordage) as someone else? I drafted a blog post this week called “Mad About Mad Men” that I was debating publishing for fear of sounding like a lustful school girl but today I was on Prêt à Voyager and found a very similar post with the exact same title! Our similar posts even mentioned a new found interest in classic cocktails. Perhaps I should be lustful over the Prêt à Voyager author instead!?

But who am I kidding? Considering the viewer ratings this show has been getting I am sure this sentiment is only one of millions.

But all the same- this whole scenario’s a little weird, huh!?

And now that Prêt à Voyager has published the post, I no longer feel the need to but I will say this- the show has never made history and pop culture more interesting.

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